Interesting lesson on consistency. In August, while on my self-imposed writing retreat just 9 short weeks ago, I committed to writing 52 Haikus - one each week for a year. I breezed through the first six, congratulating myself for the inspired idea I'd cooked up for staying disciplined about one form of writing. I cranked them out, whether I was 'in the mood' or not. Around week seven the whole thing went "Poof!"and I completely forgot about the whole project. In my defense, I had more than my usual share of highly legitimate distractions in September; I produced a benefit reading for Doctors without Borders at the Marsh cafe; I read for Reunion week at Mills College; took my daughter to college back east, and now, had a pretty bad accident where I've hurt my back and am on bed rest until it heals. OK, I'll resume my 52 Haiku project as soon as I can. But like my college degree that took six years instead of four, who says 52 Haikus have to take just one year? Here's my next offering:
Accident Haiku
Rushing, fast, absent.
Missed a step - socks slippery.
Ouch! Impermanence.
Technorati Tags: 52 Haikus, Authors, creative process, poetry, Writers