For my first book of poetry, "Seeking Center" has been doing well. In about a year I've sold a few hundred copies. Soon, it will be available on-line, too. And, Kevin Arnold, a friend and President of Poetry Center San Jose, has just written a great review: "Seeking Joan Gelfand." Last time I was in Mendocino, my sister encouraged me to visit Cheshire books in Fort Bragg. I left a copy of "Seeking Center" with Maryann, the assistant to Linda Rosengarten, the owner, promising to get back with them after the holidays. When Adam and I were up this past weekend, we paid them a visit. "Oh yes, I remember you! You're the poet! I loved your book - and I'm not just saying that - some of those poems really spoke to me." Can I please wake up to a recording of that every day? Linda bought a small pile of books on the spot and invited me up to read this spring. I'll keep you posted - It will be the first Friday in May. NOTE to writers: In talking with Linda, it occurred to me that "Seeking Center" would do well in sections other than poetry. After several people told me that they had read a few of the poems at memorials, I suggested the grief section. Then there are the Jewish themed poems, and mom poems. So get creative with your local booksellers - get on their team and you'll see how you can develop a mutually beneficial relationship.
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